Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to droll* SAINTS. bridle for the Affe,and a rod for the fools back,Prov.26.3. if people be like Mules,that will not underfland,wemuff put in á Bit into their mouthes : If people will have their owne wayes, our word mull be fires, and harmers, and axes, and chefils, and f words, and fpeares, that their bel. lies may tremble, and rottenneffe may triter into their bones. You will fay, Why then belike we muff have nothing in our mouths but hell and damnation. I answer, No, nothing but hell and damnation for the naught. You will fay, that will drive them to defpaire. Why then let it : it were well if we had our people there, they muff defpaire before they come to mercy, as Hezeki,ah fayes, O Lord,1 am oppre ffed, doe thou comfort me, or undertake for me,lfai.38.14. People muff be op- preffed with our Sermons, we muff lay load and burdens on their confciences,orthey will never be fitted for com- forts and Chriffs undertakings. hue, the fervants of the Lord muff be gentle unto all men, a Trm.2.24. and Coffer the wickednetlfe of all very patiently, praying if at any time the Lord will give themrepentance, that the Devill may let them goe. Nothing but hell and damnation is not good; we muff not be like games and John, that would needs be calling for fire to come downe from heaven to confume the Samaritans : no, we muff be long-fuffering, but yet we muff not let a wicked man live, but we muff give him his deaths wound by the flab of the Word, left his blood be required at our hands. 3. Minitiers fhould agree in preaching with all their ffrengthconflantl,and duly, not quadragefimall Sermons only, or the like : but the Apoflle commands Minitiers to preach in feafon,and out of feafon, a Tim.4.a.It is a wicked cavill of fume, and it is the Devill that doth fuggeft it, . It is not good to cloy the people, it is not faire to preach once a Sabbath ?mull we have two,and a week day, too ? This is overmuch, this is unfeafonable, that people [hould trudge E 3 and 29 3