3° C H R 1 S T'S AVM and trot to Sermons when they jlionid be at their callings. Well, be it fo, that it is out of feafon, we mutt preach out of feafon too, all will be little enough. I am fure the Pro- phet Haggtsi the word of the Lord came to him twice in one day, Hag.:, io,2o. teed contlantlyto preach twice a day, as appears in his fecond Sermon upon the b8. Pfalme,eiay in one place he fayes he preached thrice. Doe not wonder my deare brethren, fi hodie ter Sermo- nem, that I have preached three times this one day. And he addes this betides, that it was not without caufe, in his 33 Sermon to his brethren in the Wildernefle. Nay, the ancient Fathers preached every day in the yeare, as it is well known to them that are ufed to read them. Chryfo- flame in his Homilies upon Genfis, fhewes this almoft in the beginning of every Homily. And one time per- ceiving his hearers fomwhat few ; O ((ayes he) every houre in the day is feafonable for you to heare , nay the night is not unfeafonable. Panl prolonged hinifelfe unto midnight, layes he, Ails 20. I pray did the time hinder him ? No, though he were for a journey the next day,yet he would not thinke much to break his nights ref'. Ano- ther time preaching by candle light, O, (ayes be, doe you fee this fame lamp ? take away the oyle, you put out the light ; even fo it is with the gifts of the Spirit , the dalneffe ofour hearing, the littleneffe of our profiting at once , our readMale to decline except we be pricked forward, our aptnefle to forget God, the commandment sbf having the word to dwell richly in us, the duty of me- ditating in it day and night doe plainly enforce this preaching. You will fay, If Preachers fhould preach @Etcn , it would be but prating ; wee cannot preach often and foundly. ï anfwer,it is falle : for all that I fee, the able(' Divines have preached the molt often, as Gavin, arid Luther,and wicklif,and others,and.Mr.Greenham; nay,Ausfsrprea- ched ex tempore that Sermon of his upon the 95. ?falme; it