to drow/fe SAINT S. it fames that he expeéted his brother Severm to come and preach for him : but his friend failing to cone, he preached himfelfe, as Dr Don relates the dory : So ßa/1 alto preaching two Sermons upon the works of God that he made in the fix dayes,Gen.t.confeffes he had no more premeditation then that very morning when he began to preach them. Thus many holy men by letting themlelves to be inftant in Gods harveft time, have had fuch a doore of utterance opened unto them to 1peake the mylery of Chrift, that like wife Scribes, they could,as occafion was offered, bring forth out of their Treafuries, new and old. They that cry downe often preaching, whatever colour they would feeme to have, be fuch as would cover their owne (hamo by backbiting the diligence of any of their brethren. Like the Fox in the Fable,that becaufehe wan- ted a toile himfelfe to hide his own filthinauie,perfwaded the other beads to cut off theirs too, pleading forfeoth, O it is cumberfome, and weighty, and ye were better be without; but the truth was, it was only to hide his owne deformity, which were it once in fafhion to be without tailes,(hould never be efpyed. A worthy Divine cites an excellent admonition of Hierom to Ca niru,upon the like occafionto this, That if he wantedreeth himíelfe,he fhould not be envious againit them which were able to eat. Beloved,T doe not urge an equality of labour upon all; but this is molt certaine, that we are bound every one of us, to honour the Lord with all our ltrength, and to fludy the edification and falvation of our peoples foules with all our might. It is a fhame that ever our people fhould meet together at Church, and we not take compafiion upon them,to quicken themwith form word of exhorta tation or other. The Evangelifts note of our Saviour,that when he faw a company about him , he had compaflion on them and taught them, Mar.6.3¢. Whereupon was his Sermon in the mount, but becaufe he faw a company about him? Whereupon was that Sermon of our Savi- our, Mar.1 3 ? It was becaufe there was a company of people