Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

3Z CHRIST'S ,/;lar4n 4 people afore him.Certainly,if we had companion on our people, we would doe fo too: If we were not too world. ly and dead hearted our(elves, as we are, we would ne- ver plead againft it. Many talke much of the Fathers, O the Fathers, the Fathers, and they doe not love thefe up- ftart Divines, but it were well they would learn of the Fathers. Tertullian layes, there was never any publick meeting in his dayes, but before the Congregation was diffolved,they were fed with a Sermon. Nay, Ba6ington, a reverend Bifhop among us, That a Mii fler can ne more enter into the Congregation without a Sermon,and not be guilty, then Aaron could enter into the Congre- gation at any timewithout death, in cafe he founded net his Bells when he entred. Fourthly , they fhould agree in reeking of the Lord for a bleflìng on their labours, they should be earneff with God in the behalfe of the people. Alas 1 how elfe doe they expe& to convert any men uaao God ? For when we preach, what doe wee doe ? We doe but as Gehezi, who brought Elrfha's ftaffe to mite the dead child. Poore- man I he could not raite it : for though he had Elifha'; staffe , he had.mt Elifha's fpirit : So, my brethren, we doe but bring oMilalters flaffe, and therefore we fhould intreat him to fend downe his Spirit ; otherwife the dead cannot [land up. We trim up a Sermon, and pt cafe we trim it well nevertheleffe what is this ? but as the rig- ging of the fails, and what will that doe exeept the wind blow ? So we fhould pray that the winde fhould blow upon our fails, and then the Chip (hall goe indeed, as our Saviour Chrift fay es, The inal hlaweth where it lifted) r Jeh.3.8. The wind isfree. When we have preached all that ever we can, yet the wind is free, whether it will blow or no. The Spirit of God- is not tied to blow upon our endeavours, that they may have good fucceffe. What are Organs without breath ? What is Paul; planting or Apollo; watering, without Gods giving of the increafe ? The Apostle tels us it is jolt nothing, .i Cor.3.7. As a Divine