Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

36 CHRIST'S 9larm ted, that taint runnes forth into all theftreames. People thinke themfelves fate on an Ale - bench, when they have gotten the Parton with them ; this hardens their hearts a thoufand times more. But a true Minifter is a godly man. Now when Minifers agree in godlineffe, this is another branch of this unity. 7. Seventhly and lalily, Miniteers fheuid agree in concord and in amity, even as all deare fellow fervants, as Paul hies of Epaphrat, the Minifter of the Colojfiant, At yee al- fo learned of Epaphras our deare fellow- fervant, who is for you a faithful! Minifler ofChrift, Collor. I.7. Being of write to the Cole/fianr, yee fee what a tender care bee bath of Epaphras, hee labours to commend him to his people, that they may regard him the more. It is an horrible fin when one Minifter will gird at another that is faithfull, and that in the pretence of lome of his people. This helpeth the Devill to harden peoples hearts agamft him, that bee cannot doe the good that otherwife he might doe ; when other Miniteers will revile him, and traduce him, and fpeak filthy words, fuch as their malice doth prompt them with, Paul did not thus. When he knew 'Timothy was to go to Phtli1pi, he does molt dearely commend him unto them, O, fay es flee, I have no man like minded, who will Hato- rally care for your efface, Philip. 2. a©. So our Saviour Chrift, how much did he countenance and backe John the Baptifts Miniltery, to the encouraging of all that heard him? Among them that are borne of women, there bath not'! rifen a greater then 'John Baptifl, Mat. r r. z a. Oh it is an excellent thing when Miniteers doe not envie one another, when they love one another, and will live to- gether in bleffed Harmony o Thus you fee what this unity fhould be. The Reafons of this point,why Miniteers fheuld all agree thus, and be all as one, are, Firft, becaufe this makes Miniteers amiable in their peo- ples eies, itcommendeth their Minifteries unto the confci- ences of their hearers, as the Prophet Ifaiah layes, How beau-