t0 dr0lrfe SA INT S. beans if ell upon the mountaines are the feet ofhim that bring - eth glad tidings, the pablifhers of peace, &c. ¡fa. 52.7. You will fay, How is that? How comes his feet to be beautifull? It folio wesin the eighth verfe, Thy watchmen fhall life up their voice, with a voice together !hall they Ping. Marke, that was it that made his feet beautiful' ; becanfe all thewatchmen were of one note, they fung with one voice together : look as one preach'd, fo preach'd ano- ther, one did not pull downe what another built up, one did not preach more pleating doarine to the flefh then ano- ther; but they all lung in one Tune, they all were of one heart. Secondly, as it makes the Miniftery more beautifull and comely, fo it makes it the more powerfull, when the Mi- nifters are all of one minde in the Lord, when they all draw one way, all walkeby the fame rule, all fet themfelvesto doe good, and to promote one anthers good. I fay, this makes the Miniftery more powerfull and profitable. The Apoftle [peaking of an ignorant man coming into the Church to Beare the Minh ter preach, hee fhewes how powerfull the word may be unto him, r Cor, t 4 25. O layes he, the fecrets of his heart aremade manifefl, andfo falling dorane on his face, be worfhips God ; that is, the Ser- mon is made effet`.tuall unto him, and turnes his wretched heart. Zut obfèrve now, how this comes to page, the Text fhewes in the foure and twentieth verle, it is by rea- fon of the unity of the Minifters, Hee is convinced of all, heeds judged of all; that is, all the Minil 'cers were of one note, they all were in one content, one did not preach looter dot`.trine then another, one told him hee was a very wretch, and another told his he was a very wretch, and a third convinced him he was a very wretch; all had a blow at him a Othought hee, I, I, I am a very wretch indeed ; this burft his heart. If he could have heard any one of them preach eafier doftrine, may be that would have given his confcience fonte foolifh eafe, and fo the man had gone away never the better, but when he was IF 3 con- 37 2