38 CHRIST'S ilariYf 3. life ,. convinced ofall, and judged of all, this ftrikes him dumb. So,beloved, when a man can goe into no Church, but e- very where hee is met with, all the Minifters condemn him, all their lives condemn him, and all their Sermons condemn himto the pit of hell, and hee can fcramble com- fort no where ; if the man belong to God, this is the rea- dieft way to beat him him downe, and fubdue his heart. Onthe contrary fide, when a man is wounded at one Mi- nifters Sermon, by and by he drops into another, and thére he catches hold of force cafe : this makes him goe on in his fins, and to blind his eyes againft the truth. It is a great ítumblir.g block unto the people this very thing. Thirdly, as it makes the Miniftery more powerfull, fo it brings more glory unto God. As it is Paid of John the Baptift, that when our Saviour did commend him, and made the people fee, that hee was of johns minde, and that he held the fame Tenets, and that he would not (peak againft a tittle that lehn had delivered, but teftified his uni- ty with him, and made it appeare what a reverend e- fteem he had of him ; faith hee , Hee is a Prophet, and more then a Prophet : Ye (ball fee how this brought glo- ry to God- The Text faith, When the people heard this, and the 'Publicans, they jnfiified God, being baptized with the Baptifme elan. Luk.7, 29, The life of this is , firft, to condemn fuch as envy their fellow- Minifters, and will not be in the unity of minde, and heart, and life with them. In the molt, the Proverb is too true, Figulns figulo invidet, One Potter hates ano- ther, one Tradefrnan envies anothers cuftome, fo, one Minrfter, another : If there be a Minifter that deliires to powre out his foule in the doing of good, in the taking of panes, in the difcharging of his Confcience, there are tome that will envy fuch a one, their hearts rife up againft him ; nay, not onely fo, but the worft enemy that Jeremy had, was Pa(hur, one of his owne Coat, ler. 2 .2. The foreft adverfary that Ames had, was Amaziah, a Priefl: of Bethel, who would never leave heaving at him untill 'nee had)