to droTw,ie SAINTS. 39 had gotten him away, Amos, 7. 12. and why fo ? becaufe he would not preach fuch pleafing Doctrine as bee. For- Moth, the Land was not able to beare Amos his words, bee preaches as if he would fcare people out of their wits. H_e preaches Schifmatically, and as if hee loved to be fingular. The chiefe Priefts were furious againft our Saviour Chrift, becaufe his Miniftery was more blelt then theirs was, nay, they hated him more then Pilate, Pilate a very Pagan, his Confcience told him he found no fault in him, Why what evill bath her done ? Their envy againft Chrift was fo pal pable, thst he did difcover it. He knew that for envy they had delivered him unto him. So when all the Goun- trey know in their Conlciences that fuch and Tisch teach the waies of God fincerely, let themfelves to roote out fin, and to fave foules, nay, the very drunkards you fhall hear them fay, I, I, hee is a good man, Gods Welling on his heatt, he tells us our faults, wee may doe what wee lift for allfuch and filch, but he tells us of our faults, and God helpe us to amend them, and when they are ficke, they would rather have fuch a Minifters prayers, then twenty of other Minitters, that will foothe them up, and be haïle- fellow with them Whereas there be many ofour owne Coat, that are implacable againft a Miniiter, that labours to be faithfull. How contrary is this unto the. Rule ? The Minifters of God Ihould be all one, and if one bee godly, all fhould be, ifone painefull, all fhould be fo, if one preach home to the Confcience, all fhould doe fo, they fhould all live as brethren. What faies our Saviour Chriff ? re a,e the Salt of the Earth, but if the Salt bath lop its favour, wher- wub(hall it be felted? it is thenceforth good for nothing,but to be c4 out, and to be trodden underfoot of men, Mat.S. r 3. That is, Salt may feafon others, but if it have loft its favour, nothing can fait it. A Knitter is of an excellent calling, appointed to fea- fon mens hearts, but if he have loft his favour, hee can never truly be feafoned again, nothing can do him good. An evil! Minifter, is a more defperate forlorn man than any elfe. Se-