Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

C H R l S T'S 41GaYYi'1 Secondly, Another ufe is,that all that are the Miniffers of God would be hence furred up to be all of one minde, all drawing one way, all bending our forces to one and the fame end, the glory of God, and the falvation of our peo- ple. Its a fine comely thing to fee any Brethren in unity. #Behold how good and how pleafant it is for Brethren to dwell together in omit±. It is like the precious oiatmentupon the head that ran down upon the beard, even Aarons beard, that went down to the skirts of hisgarments : as the dew of Her- mon, and as the dew that defcended upon the mountaines of Zion, for there the Lord commanded his blefng, even life for evermore, PIal.133.1, a, 3. I fay this is a very come- ly thing, to fee any brethren to dwell together in unity, it is like the perfume of Aaron, that made all his garments fragrant fweet, it is like the dews of Hermon and Zion, that made all the ground Fruitful!, this is that which hath the Lords bleffing annexed to it, it is an excellent meanes unto eternall life. As the Apoffle faith, If there be any confolation iìr Chriff, if any comfort of love, if any fellow - fhip ofthe Spirit, if any bowells and mercies ; Fulfill yee my joy, that yee be like-minded, having the fame love, be- ing ofone accord, of one minde, Philip. 2. 1, 2. If it be to neceflaty for Brethren to be united, how much more for Brethren in the Miniftery t of all men, Minifters have moff reafon to be ofone minde, becaufe wee are to teach union unto others. Betides, if wee delire to doe what we are commanded to doe, wee flail have enemies enough in the world. Our Tribe is a hated Tribe. Of all Offices, the office of a reproover is the molt unwelcome. Paul was counted an enemy , becaufe hee told the Galatians the truth. Micaiah was hated becaufehe dealt truly with A- hab. People love their lofts, as their monies, yea, as them- fe ves Ergo of all men wee are moff hated. Every man is believed in his owne profeflion but wee ; People doe not hateTaylors that make them a good garment, nor a Shoo -maker that makes them a good Shooe, nor a Cook that makes them a good Feaft, nor a Phifitian that .makes them