to dro-wfie SAINT S. them a good potion, nor a good Lawyer that makes them a good lute , tnoughthefe doe but provide for the body, and yet wee that provide for peoples foules, if wee make there agoodSermon that would fave their foules for ever, fo they would obey it , we are hated for. our labour. Er- gè, when ALlofes came to fpeake of Levi, that were the Minihers of Ifrael, hee prayes God, that God would deli- ver them out of the hands of their enemies, Lord finite. through the loiuei of them that hate him, Deut. 33. i I. I fay wee have many enemies in the world, and therefore wee had need hang together, who ever be at oddes, wee flïould (tick clofe together. Our me(l'age is hardly belie- ved, and therefore wee had need to bee all of one mindc. The word which wee preach is adverfe to fleiíh and blood, and therefore wee had need all joyntly to obey it, otherwife how doe we thinke that we (hall perfwade any tbersi Force, the more united the more thong. O if we would all joyne forces in one, wee might make all our Parifhes quake ! all the wicked round about, their very hearts would be ready tofaile them, if every pulpit did rowze them. If they could come in no Church, but they were made to fit upon thornes, I verily believe, few would have any heart to go on in their ev ill doings. Thirdly, another life is, how we fee it is a very ufefull and profitable thing, that one good Mìniftér fhould now and then come and help another, and preách for another; that our people may fee our content, that tree all preach the fame thing, and that is not our private preaching, bat all the Minihers that are of God, are juft of the fame mind This made the Apoftle, whenfoever he was to write to a people, that hee knew would bee forewhat backward to believe him; bee would joyne other Minihers with him, as confenting together with him. Indeed. when hee wrote unto Timothy, hee Would not doe it,. for hee knew that he did not need, hee .knew the faithfulneffe of his heart, But when be writ to the Corinthians, whereAp ©e life 3.