Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

CHRIST 'S ,Alarms Apoftics had been, and had made many of them to doubt, hee joyned So/thews with him, as it were confirming the fame thing, t Cor. t. t. when hee wrote to the Gai,,rian,, hee told them hee had Peter on his fide, and BA? na6ae and Twit, and Jame, and John, and how the Apo:'tles gave un- to him the right hand of Fellow(hip, Gat. 2. I. 9. He wri- ting to the Philippians, joynes Timothy with him, Phtl.t. a. And fo writing to Philemon, about a thing, that though he hoped Philemon would doe, yet becaufe bee knew hee might have many carnal( reafons againft it, he joynes ano- ther with him, Philem. t. This is of very good ufe,when one good Minifter comes and backs anothers Miniftry. For as it is with men-plea(ing Minifters, that make as if the way to heaven were eafier than it is, people hope that other Mi- nifters will come, and confirming ir, make it good, k;zek 3. 6.0 they love fuch a Doetrine alife, and they hope there will be moe of that minde : So when they hear a aria Mi- nifter, that delivers the Word to them as it is, and as they Mall find it at last day, tufh, this is fo uncooth, that they hope that it is but the opinion of their precile Miniftcr, and that no body elfe is of his mind.Now when God thall bring a cloud of witneffes, it is,I fay, of very good ufe. I confeffe that when a Minifler fpeaketh the truth, though no body elk come to fet it on betides him, he (hall be a witneffe a- gainft all the people that will not believe, and vext at the voice of hispreaching, Noah condemned all the world, albeit there were none but hee : But yet fymphony and agreement , and the content of the Minifters o` God, is an Ordinance of God w hen it may conveniently bee had. Thus I have fpoken of thisfecond point of Dottrine, of the unity of Minifters, To the Angell of the Church in Sirdi,. I acknowledge this point is not fo much for the ge- nerall profit of you all, but you muff bear with me,for hand- ling of it. Wee ¡hall comme now to you ere long. For I am lure, if any portion of Scripture may doe us good, in theft dead tubes, the treating of this Epiale may. And yet it