to droIrfae S A I N T S. 4 y it is not loft time to fpeake unto the Minilkers, if by an tneanes I may provoke my felt, and my Brethren to the a- bounding in the unity of the Spirit, and of Faith, and heart and mind, for the further fpreading and enforcing of good. Revel. 3. r. ."ltad unto the dagell of the Church in Sardis, write, Th, fe thìnv faith he that path the liven Spirits of God, and she fevers Starres; 1 know thy workss, that thou haft a name , that thou livefl, and art dead. t"l nd unto the Angel of the Church in Sardis,write. V E E have had two Doctrines from hence , concer- ning Gods Mini('ers : I told you there is one more , and then I have done, and fo will proceed. The Doftrine it this : That a minifler may be in fault that the people are dead, that they have no more heart to good thisgs. that they are fo ignorant, fo cold, fo ungodly, fo worldly, fo vain as they are. I fay the Minifter may be in the fault ; The point is very clear from this place. The Lord being to reprove the peo- ple here ofSardir, for their deadneffe in Religion, he di -) reds his reproof to their Minifter. To the Angel of the Church in Sardis, write : I know thy works, that thou haft a name, that thou l:vefit, and art dead. He accufes the Minifter for the deadneffe of the Church that was committed to his charge; bee meanes the Church, but he fpeakes to the Minifter. Youwill fay, how doe yee prove that he meanes the Church ? I anfwer, there be three places that doe manifeft the fame. The one is. Revelai.4. G 2 There