Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

CNR i s T' s ,Alarm how in the earth to fet about theft things to any purpofe, if ever wee would quicken our peoples hearts, wee mutt let them fee diftin&ly, the will of God concerning them, the particular meaner, and helps, and lignes of it, the particular motives, and arguments to it, the particular circumilances cf it, the particular hinderances, lets, and impediments of doing of it, and you can never doe the will of God, as long as yee do thus and thus, and this courfe will breake your neck, this praaife of yours will be your utter undoing : when people heare diótinc9 preaching,this doth them good, if any thing will. Generali Preaching is like the truing of good Phylick before the patient,without giving him direfti- ens for the taking of it. Fourthly, Generall Preaching is deceitfull, Eft dolor in geaeralibur, as we fay, there is deceit in the generally, wee Preach that people muff love God, and fear him,and thanke him, and they mutt be new men, and they mull leave their fumes, and they mull pray, and heare the Word, and they mutt doe every thing to Gods glory. Now marke what de- ceit there is in (uch preaching as this,this is ir. the general' : People goe away, and deceive themselves in the particular. They think they ferve God, and they love God, or elfe they were not worthy to live; they think they fay their prayers every day, and that they are thankf unto him, they never eate their meat, but they fay grace, they never recover out of fickneffe, but they blelle God ; Whereas if wee fhould deale with thefe men in particular,it would appear,they are haters of God, they are graceles and unthankful! wretches-, they never prayed trueprayer to God in all their lives;hence it is that people gçn.erally like a generall Minifter, Why ? they can go along with filch a man and be heart whole. But now if a particular Minifter fhould come and tell them they are worldly, and mockers of God and all góodnetTe, as they are in very good deed they cannot abide him, they would fay wherein ! Such were the 3-ewes under the overly Mini - fiery of the Priefis. When MA/ch./dealt particularly with them,faith he,? êe have defiled the name of the Lord: Wher- in