to .drobf ç . S. g I N T s. in fay they ? Mal. I.6. Tee have wearied the Lord with your words : Wherein, fay they, have we wearied him ? Mal.2. 17. Tee have robbed God : Wherin have we robbed him,fay they? Mal.3.8. , Toar words have been flout again/! the Lord, yet . their anfwer was, Wherein have we f»kçn fo much aping the Lord? Mal. 3.r3. Alas, alas ! their Priets had taught them only in general!, and therefore when the Prophet was to deale particularly with them, and told them what vile courfes they Cooke, they cryed, wherein? and whereof? and why doe you fay fo ofus ? he was forced to come to particu- lars. Otherwife they would have gone away and bleffed themfelves. Fiftly, Generali Preaching lets people fee their (tunes if they will. But beloved this will doe no good, if wee let you fee your fins, if you will ; wee muff make you fee your Ì finnes. Son of man, cac fe Jerufalem to know her abominati- ons, Ez.ek.16.2. We muff not only let you underfland,íf yee will, it is laid of the good Priefts, that they canted the peo- ple to underftand, Neh. 8.8. Naturally people love their ewne {elves and their lults, and they will not fee them till they needs muft,they doe not love to be precife,they wil not willingly yeeld that they mutt be fo ftri6 , and fo mor- tified, as the Lord Jefus will have them, if they mean to be faved,and therefore if they can put it offthey will; Phew them there is a difference between people and people, fore are the people of God, and Lome are the children of the de- vil!, Come are the redeemed of Chrift, and tome have no- thing to doe with Chrifl, fore are clean, and forme are un- clean ; though we Chow them the difference between there two, they will Phut their eyes if-they can. C enerall preach- ing does no more, it fhewes them thefe things. But may be neither the Minìfler nor they will fee for all that now wee mull caufe them to difcern whether they will or no, if wee can. They (hall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and caufe them to difcern between the unclean, and the clean, Ez,ek. 44. 23. that is, tell them this is unclean, and this is clean ; fuch and fuch perfons are H z pro-