to dro117fie SAINT Si let out Chrift, as if he were pepahle to mens feules, this quickens and no other, as Pau! faith : O foolifh Galatians, who bath bewitched you, that yee Mould not obey the truth, before whofe eyes jefus Chrri hash been evidently fet forth, :nd crucified among you? Gal. 3. t . Mark,how fenfibly he had preached Chrift to them, even as if he hai held him before their eyes,and therefore he faith, they were even be witcht that they could not fee them ; q.d. How is it pofíible that ye should not fee him, that ye thould not obey the truth,where it bath been to fenfibly preached unto you,and painted to the life , even before your very eyes 1 If any Preaching will quicken, this will, and therefore Generals Preaching , that will not doe the deed. Seventhly,Generall Preaching is againft the nature of Preaching, tor wherfore is preaching, but to take the Word of God, and apply it unto people in particular , it is called the dividing of the word of truth aright, z 7 im. z. r 5. W hen theMiniiter is a good carver,to divide to every man his por- tion : Conviction to the ignorant ; reproof to the offender; terror to the obftinate; comfort to the broken heart; judge- ment co the wicked; mercy to the Saints,and true penitent foules ; 1 heir the Minifter applyes it unto every man. Prea- chers are Gods Harveft- men, as our Saviour Chrift faith: Pray ye the Lord of t `e Harveft,that he would fend forth la- bourerssntohis Harvefl, Matth.9 38. Now Harseft -men, what doe they ? Do they only bring a Sithe or a Sickle into . the field,and give a flafh,a generali [lath, at'one.Corn of the field, as though that would fetch down all the Corn ? No,. they apply it to the Corn, to reap it down. The preaching. of a generall Sermon is but a Sickle; now except it be ap- plyed to all the people, it is not the way to reap in Gods. harveft. Preachers are called Chrilts. feed -men : The fower went out :Olen, his feed,Luke 8 5. Now what does the fends man ? does he onely bring in a Pack of feed, and poure it all on a.heap in the field ? does he think that every fpot of ground will draw it unto it felf ? No he 1prinkles it , and difperfes it abroad,that everyLea may have its patt.Whence H 3, 53