to drolbfie SAINTS. the Heathens are without grace , and are not acquainted with God , neither have they any communion with God, Poore one thy wrath plan the Heathen, that know thee not, Jer. to. 25. Mark, they have no communion with God ,they do not know J elm Chrift,nor the myfteries offaving grace. So that a man may bee very finely morali, and yet be with- out grace. Now then, if a Minifter fhould content him- felfe with good Morali teaching, many would goe away, and conclude well of their own eftates,thoughthey have no grace. Secondly,Morall preaching, thole that it does hit,it does them indeed force good , but it does them not the good, it never quickens them up unto eternalllife; it feemeth to ci- villize their lives, and to reforme them a little, but it never reneweth them, neither does -it put them into Jefus Chrift: Let a Drunkard heare he is a damned wretch, if he do not give over his drunkennefre, if this Sermon hit him, what does he fay ? Why then I will be lober , and I will never be a Drunkard more.And I can tell you this is very rare too. But lùppofe it bee, hee may goe to hell for all this. Sup - pole wee doe make all our people morali , which were a tine thing if we could , but grant we could , this does not quicken them together with Chrift ; No, no, a man molt fee his vile nature, and loath himfelfe , and be made to de- ny himfelf,to mortifie his carnali reafon,to put off his cor- rupt will, to feele his curféd condition in himfelfe, to bee emptied of himfelfe, that Chrift may bee all in all to him, that he may be, led by the Spirit of Chrift, and guided by the word of Chrift , that hee may hang only upon the pro - miles of God in Chrift, that his minde may bee taken up with Chrift, and his thoughts and affeftions daily bee laboured to be fixed upon thethings above, none are alive unto God, but fuch. Now Morali preaching will never do this. God - forbid, I fhould fpeake againft Morall preaching ab- folutely, or againft Morality it (elfe, it is a verygood thing ; Who will not commend .Hbimilech for the integrity of his heart,