CHRIST'S allarm heart, that he pleaded before God ? Gen.2o. 5. Yee know how the Lord;himfelf liked of it ; who will not fay but that the young mats in the Gofpell was a very commendable man, that had obferved all thefe from his youth : Nay,the Text faith, That Chrif in tome fence, did love him,Mai k 1o. 21. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar what an excellent thing Morality was. O ! faith he, If thou wilt break off thy fns and be righteous,he means Moral righteoufnes towards man ; if thou wilt Phew mercy to the podre, it maybe God will lengthen thy tranquillity, Dan. 4.27. The Prophet E- fay tels the Moabites,what a deale of good they might do to themfelves, if they would but be morally honeft : faith hee, Take Counfell,execute judgment,hide the out- cafls,let mite out -calls bee with thee, Eta.16.3. O. d. If thou wilt bee kind and loving to my people, thou (halt fare the better. When the King of Babylon punilbed the wickednes of Tyre, the Lord rewarded them very richly for it.I have given him the land of Egypt for his labour,faithGod,becaoefe he wrought for me, Ezek. 29.20. Morall goodneffe is commended of God, as well as Ipirituall goodneffe in Jefus Chri(t; Nay,it is needfull that Miniflers fhouid infift very much in prefling of Morali duties, and the godly are to be willing to hear fuch Sermons, to look to .g l dealing, to Civili honefiy, to juftice between man and man ; How aboundant is the Scripture in urging this Theme 1 It is thought by fome, there is no Divinity in this, and fuch a Miniller is not deep enough, and why does he [land fo much upon fuch things as thefe, which the light of nature calls for. But theft do greatly erre, the Holy Gholt is careful' to urge fuch duties as thete, to be honefl. Welke honeflly towards them that ore without, faith the Aponte, a Thef.4. i 2. Let ue?Mike ho- ne/Fly as in the day, faith he,Rem. 13.13. Provide things ho- neft in the fight of all men, Kom. *1.17. Nay,honefty, civili honefly between man and man is a fweet thing; tt e Apoflle himfelf brings it among other things, as a teltimony of his finceriity : Pre trufb we have a good conference in all things willing to live honeflly,Heb.1 3.18.0 it is an excellent beau- ty