Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to droVe SAINTS. ty to a fervant of Jefus Chriff, when his Moralls are found, and exemplary , and there cannot bee any thing that will make the profeflion of Religion odious in the eyes of the world, then want of Morality, when Chriftians fault pal- pably in their Morals. May be fuch a one thou wilt thinke, comes far fhort of thee in grace, in the knowledge of good, in the beliefe of the Truth , in a fpirituall in -fight into the myftery of Chrift; O then count it a (haunt that hee fhould goe before thee in the keeping of his Word. There cannot be a greater difhonour unto God, then when a naturalt man (hall be able to accufe thee of any difhonefty in any kinde. The Spirit of God fets it downe as a great fhame upon Sa- rah, That Abintelech,a Heathen man fhould bee able to re- prove her;Thus was [he reproved,faith the Text, Gew.20.16. When Jacob perceived that his Sons had finned aga -ínft mo- rall honefiy, there in the matter of Shechem : O, with hee, yee have made me tojlinikamong the Inhabitants of the land, Gen.34., 30, Yee have troubled me, faith hee, it was a great griefe of heart to the good man, hee knew this would bee a great dishonour to God, as well as a fhame unto himfelfe; and therefore God forbid I fhould fpeak againft a Minitters fpeaking for morality. Yet, Beloved this know, that this is not enough , a man may profefle the name of Chrift, and thinke verily that hee beleeves in Jefus Chrift , and be a very admirable Moran man,and yet never quickned up to the grace of life.St.Taul thews this plainly in hìmfelf. I might have confidence in the flefh-, if any other man might raft to that I might, being circumcifed the eighth day, of the hick of Ifrael, of the Tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews,as touching theLaw a Pharifee: Phil. 3.4,5,6 9.if any fine - carriaged man under heaven could hope he is right,l could before any con- verfìon. I was admitted into the Congregation of Chrift by the Sacrament of circumcifion:I was horn in the irueChurch of God,I had godly Parents, I was of the Common- wealth ofIfrael, Nay,I was a Pharifee, which was fo admirable a ftrid order, that after his convection, he was not afhamed i _ to. 57 ...