CHRIST'S ./Ilarm to be [tillcalled a Pharifee. I.w a Pharifee, and the forme of a Pharr fee, faies he, Á. 3.6. He cals him(elf a Pharifee [till :Nay he was zealous,and concerning the righteoufneffe of the Law, he was a very blameleffe man, fo that if any fair carriaged man under Heaven were right, he was right. But the truth is, S. Pax1 confeffes that when God came to open his eyes,, he fndes that he was a dead man, a vile wretch he (hews he had gone íheere to hell for all this, if God had not converted him : So that morality is a poore "thing. And yet people make it their Idoli and tru(t to it, and think cer- tainly they are the children of God , certainly they [hall have mercy, certainly they (hall to heaven. And how many Minifters make this to be true Religion, and preach no- thing but this ì This then is another way, whereby Mi- nifters doe leave a. dead Congregation by morall prea- ching., Thirdly, a hat preaching, is, when there is no keenneile in our sermons, when we do not ftrive to [lagger menscon - fciences that are to be [taggered. When a man goes on in a track, preaches true doctrine, though it were to be wi(hed that more Minifters would do thus : This does not hunt the heart out of its owne (tatting holes : this Miniftery leaves people dead. It is laid of our Saviour Chrift, that the peo- ple were af'coniiht at his L odrine,, Mat. . a 8. he (luo'd their confciençes , he let them at a hand : fo if a Minifler would quicken, he fhouldd labour to let the wicked at a (tun. Yee know every wicked one gets fomewhat or other to hang on, to hope, they (hall not be damned for all they are no bet. ter. Now when a Mini(#er Pets himfeif to put his hearers to a (tun ; (till to (tattle confcience in an a[toni(hing man- ner, to flafn the bare truth into the foule , and to make men fee their bad e(tates, this is quickning preaching. But when a mans Miniftery is cold, there is nothing to [tun the heart, their heart may have its ('carting holes for all it;his Miniftery does not labour to meet with them , this leaves people dead, a Miniijer that (till goes on in a track, can never looke to. quicken. Fiat,