Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

60 f CHRIST'S 4darm bee is to come with more and more fupplyes out of the Word againft it. It is a ftrange thing to fee how deep Minifters have gone, and yet people arme themfelves a- gainft the Word of God and are not converted by it. Tell them they muff be new creatures they confeffe it,3t though they be none, yet they have many faire colours to hope they are. Tell them of Communion withGod, and fellowship with his Son Jeff's Chrift, and heavenly- mindedneffe, and hatred of all 1m, love to univerfall obedience, plucking out their right eyes, looking at the Glory of God : not to truft in their performances : to goe out of themfelves; People make a fhift to have fomething to anfwer aIl.All thefe things they hope they have done, infome meafure. Now when Minttiers go on and on, and do not go further and further, this leaves filch people dead. It is Paid of a Preacher that is wife, that he Hill teaches the people knowledge. Becaufe the Preacher was wife, hee Hill taught the people know- ledge. Eeefef. 12.9. That is, people could never come to him, but Hill he made them know more and more. You will fay, how can a Preacher doe thus ? I Anfwer, if a Preacher bee well Hudied in his owne heart, and in the Book of God,this will help him to doe it. For Hill as he fees further into his owne heart, Hill he will fee further into the Word of God , and let out more and more light. It is Paid of Chritis Miniltery,1 hat in it the light did fpring up,Mat.4. iG. So,this is a true Miniftery indeed, when the light fprings up in ìt. Yee know in a- Spring, the water fpringeth up more and more ; now when a Mi- nìtter goes on in a track , and does not doe thus , this is a deeding Miniftery. This is the third thing, Flat Preaching leaves people dead. Fourthly, Cold preaching too; when a Minitier prea- ches coldly,when the Word floweth coldly from his mouth, when a man hides the affeetionateneffe of the Word from the people, by the coidneffe of his uttering of it. Beloved, the Word is full of additions : what a deale of affeftion is there in all the Truths of the Gofpel ; they are all Iteept in the