to droxfie SAINTS6 the warm blond of the Son of God, there is affelion in the promff'es, they proceed from the tender bowels of God Affection in the threatnings, they all rffue from the infinite wrath of God a ainft lin. T'heWord of God is as fire, jer. z3.z "). Now when a Minifter {hall preach the Word cold- ly, he preaches the Word otherwife than it is : Hee does as much as in him lies, to hide the affeGcionatenelíe of the Word from the peoples hearts. Suppofe the Town were ail on fire, would yee not count the man a ridiculous man, that fhould come to us, and tell us a cold fìory ? Sirs,let me tell you a thing, there is a great fire in the Town , and 1 verily thinke it may borne all the Towne, and you fhould do well to goe and quench it : This man tels us fo indeed, but would you not count him a foole, for telling us Inch a thing, in a cold careleffe manner,as if it were a finali matter? Na- ture teacheth us another courte in fuch a cafe. Fire, fire, help, O help, for the Lords fake, water, water, in all hafle, Alas, alas ! we are undone, quickly, quickly, run for lad- ders, run for buckets, run for ,wet cloathes ; ah, you lazie villaine, run apace for Iron hooks, and the like : Thus Na- ture teaches to deliver fuch a truth that does fo nearly con- cern us affeftionately : So it is here,Brethren; what weigh- ty things does the Word containe ? Truths that our very bowels fhould yerne , and we fhould pure out our affeCii- ons in the Pulpit, that we may (hew by our delivery,what they are. Now, when this is not done, this deids peoples hearts. They fit as quiet at a Sermon , though they beare of matters of life and d eath,eternall life,falvation and dam- nation : Yet they fit like blocks in their feats, as though it were no greatmatter. Why, they hear one (landing in the Pulpit, as though he were laying his leffon; wicked peo- ple will not believe they are going to hell, thoutzh we tell them,they will not believe the wayes of Jefus Citrill are fo good as they are,though we tell them. It is a pretty fìory of' Demofihones, when one told him that he was beaten and mif -ufed by filch a man ; it feemes bee told it very dream - ingly, and coldly, (hewing no affe &ion at all; V Vhy, faith 1 3 Demof¢-