6i CHRIST'S 'Alarm Demofthenes, bath hee beaten thee? I doe not believe it No? faith the man: and fo the man was as it were in a great pafllon : I am lure thus and thus he did to me, and doe not you call this beating? Nay,faith Demofthenes, now I believe he hath beaten thee indeed.Now you (peak as yee had been beaten, as yee fay. So when a Mini(ter preaches unto peo- ple in a dreaming manner, though the things be never fo weighty, yet they will not believe them. He faith in a cold manner, that Drunkards are in a bad cafe, and fuch and filch perlons are in a fad condition, and faith, yee muff repent, or you will all perifh ; but people heare him fpeake fo frigid- ly of thefe things, that they will not enter into their hearts. If theft things were preached as they fhould be, it would make people quake. It is Paid cf our Saviour , That when he was teaching, the Difciples hearts burned within them, Luke 24.32. Did not our hearts buroe within ur, when,&'c Keckerman makes that to be the meaning of St. Matthew, where hee faith that our Saviour taught with Authority, and not as the Scribes ; that is, faith bee , bee did not preach coldly, but with life and zeal; and this went with Authority. Now the manner of preaching is cold two wayes, and fo dead. Firft, when it flowes not from the heart, for then it is unlikely that ever it will got unto the heart,Peftou facir effe difertos. The heart is the bell Oratory, as Paul faith, What doe Jon weeping and brewing my heart ? 41ts 2 i. 13. they fpake fo heartily, and atfeEtionately,and meltingly to him, this buril his very heart. In the 17 of Alls the r 6 verf , it is Paid, Pauls fpirit was ftirr'd in him,to fee 2114i-hens given to Idolatry :He was inwardly moved in his owne heart, in his preaching unto them. Now if you look into the 34 verfe of that Chapter, how this quickned tome there ; Dionyfi- su, and Damargs, and fome others cleaved unto him : that is, he preached fo movingly, that he made their very foules cleave unto him. Why ? he fpake from his heart. There bee many clamorous Preachers, faith Calvin, who de- clame