Prov.16,14, 5Demo n. Ptov.i9,4,/ Wil full Impenitency dolt Voluntarily nail thy Pelf unto cannot:. There is ma- ny a fin that now thou art a (lave to that thou mighteft have trodden under thy foot ; but now thou canif not : thou mighteft have gone further and further on in re- formation , if thou hadil held on when thou wert go- ing ; like a Coach , it's eater to make it run on when once it's going then flirre it when once it Rands !till ; and now thou canif not , now thou art nailed to it, lik.ç the door to his hinges. Now thou canif pray and pray, and grow ne'r the the better ; hear and read, and ne'r the holier : As the door turneth upon its hinges fo doth thefothful man on his bed. The door goes to and fro ; to it goes, and fro it goes, it goes (may be ) all the year long; and 1ú11 it hangs juif upon the fame hinges, and after (even years travel, it hangs there where it did ; it's nailed to its hinges. So 'cis with a (luggifh heart he goes to a Prayer, and from a Prayer ; to a Sermon and from a Sermon; to a good Duty, and from a good Du- ty ; and flill he hangs juif on the fame hinges. He bath gotten no ground, is juif where he was; fo thou art juif at the fame pats, after a thoufand prayers, anda thoufand Sermons, and millions of good duties, Rill thou hangeff on thy old ducies,ne'r the more pure to this hour. 5. Demonffration. Sloth is a lazie putting forth by halves of that power one bath. This alto is the very Na- ture of (loth ; when a man hath more power then he [hews, but he is lazie to put it all forth. The Scripture ufes a Companion of a man that hides his hand in his bofome and though he háve meat [landing before him, yet he will not fo much as bring it to his mouth. e/i flothful man hideth his hand in his borome , and will not bring it to his mouth. What ? why does be [ larve ? be- caufe he hath not any meat ? No ; the meat ffandeth before him. Becaufe he bath not any hands ? No he bath a hand in his Bofome. Becaufe his hand hath the dead Pallie and he not able to flirre it ? No ; he will AO