Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Thegro/eft Self - murder, 33 Chrift. As a Matter complaines of his refractory fer- vant, You can do it for your felfe, and do it for others ; but you will not do it for me: a figne it is in thee, but thou wilt not put itforth. Thirdly, a ligne it is in thee, for thou canft fhew it to 3 Argue whom thou lifteff : like a fluggard, that will worke at idle times, fo thou canft ferve God when thou haft no- thing elfe to do. Like Pharaohs conceit of the Ifrae- liter, That they would ferve God becaufe they had no- thing elfe to do. Ye are idle, idle ye are, therefore ye Exod. fay, Let us go and do facrifice unto God: Becaufe they had nothing elk to do. So. when thou haft nothing elfe to do with thy Tongue, then thou canft give it to God nothing elfe to do with thy Thoughts, then thou canft thinke ofGod ; when thou haft no ufe of a lie, then thou canft tell truth, &c. a ligne it is in thee. It is not the telling of the truth; it is not the (peaking very gent-. ly and modeftly that is notIthee to . do ; but thou wilt not put it forth ; nay, thou canft be foundly provoked while fome are in company, and yet (till as quiet as may be; a ligne it is in thee, Fourthly, a ligne it is in thee, but thou art fo fluggiJh 4 Argue thou wilt not put it forth; becaufe the rod is able to whip it out of thee. Like a boy that is idle, and can fay nothing, yet his Matter is able to whip it out of him ; then he can fay it very roundly. So thou canft not thinke of there things ; yet let God lath thee and whip thee with fick- neffe, or with the pangs of death, Then, O, 1 have been a drunkard, and I have been naught, I have been wic- ked; and Oh, if God would recover me, I would not fora world fin fo as I have done ; Then thou canft weep, and then thou canft cry, and then,'.0 for the Minitier: A ligne it is in..thee, for a rod puts in no new, but only lathes up that which lay there ; as the twigs of the rod have no vertue in them to put learning into the Boy; but its a f gne it was in him. Ah, thou wretch thou, thy blood lies on thine owne head ; why G then