Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

24g i CHRIST'S Lino I. ring to the fiefh, hill my judgement (ayes choolè Gods way, that's evermore be rt. Thus farce wee proceeded the laft day, namely to frame or fee what is the quickening of the Mind ; that yee may know whether our undcrftanding bee dead or alive : now what re maires but this that we all labour foriuch an Underftanding ; many of us underftand much, fo much that if it were quic- kened up to us, it would doe us a world of good ; if we did uie to apply it and make it our owme, if we would give our mindes to it, if we would ponder it and ferioufly weigh it, and renumber it for our ufe in all our wayes, if we had a deviling mind for good, a winde plotting for heaven, andcon- triving how we may heft glorifie God, and fecure our owne i ules, A judicious minde, a pra&icall mindc. This is a good underltanding indeed ; as t`.e Prophet (ayes, Agoad un- derflanding have they that doe thereafter Pfal. r a r. to, When what we underftand does not lye dead in our, heads, but our minds are quickened up to it, this is a good Under - (tanding my breth n, this. underl'as.ding is not to be had in Books, God onely can help us with it, as David layer, O Lord give :se onderffandtng and I !hall live, Pfa1.t r9.t .;4. You will fay what need he keep filch a iliac for underftand- ing? Had not he the Law before his eyes ? Could not he read there, and get underftanding : O but it will be all dead, Lord unleffe thou give me underkanding frail above, if thou wilt give me underiandin then I fhall live. Now I come to the Heart, to featch what the life ofthe heart is, every A& of the heart, is not an argument of life. Firft, there be outride A &s of the heart ; people thinke if they doe not di9'emble before men ; them they are no Hypo- crites. O they are hearty they fay ; as there is an outride of the outward swan, fo there is an outride of the heart. Thou maye t be hearty in fome fort in good duties, and yet be 1tarke dyad ; namely if it be only the outride of thy heart ; My Senne keepe nay _raying. in the mid, of thy heart. Prov.4.21. Not in the outride of thy beast, no, ne. I would have the 'made