Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

tta drtylvfie SAINTS. tn(de ofthy heart too; a man that is alive to the world, the world bath not onely the heart, but the very =fide ofthc heart, the world is deep in the heart ; fò of thou bee& alive towards God, God is in the deep of thy heart, the word ii decpe in thy heart, nor like the lilt water in the Sea onely, on the rop. Ye know what became of the Seed, that wanted depth of the earth, Matth,13,5: So it is with the heart, when the word does not get into the depth of it, it never quickens in it. The heart may be fo faire towards goodneffe, as to bring a man to good duties a dayes, it may bring one to Sermon or to Prayer, to others of the Ordinances of God, and other good comics, but what's all this, as long as it is dead ; the lift lies in the bottome of the heart, look what the bottome of the kcart Rands unto, that's a man alive unto, then thou art alive towards God, when the bottome of thy heart is unto him; when thou laboureft to obey him from the bottome of thy heart, when thou calleff upon him from the bottome of thy heart, like Sugar at the bottome of the Cup, fhrre up the hot - tome, the befe is at bottome, fo thou muff flirre up the bot- tome of thy heart, rho heart le a deep thing, Pfil. 46.6. Though religion be on the top, yet if the world be in the deepe, thy heart is dead towards God ; as it is with a puddle, it may be cicere at the top, faire water at the top, but there's nothing but mudde at the bottome. Secondly, there be flitting Ads of the heart, be they never fo deep in the heart, yet if they dot not flay there, the heart is dead (till. Solomon fiyes of his Father ; FIe fvd ante me, let thy heart retain my words, beep my C ommandrments And live, Prov.4,4. Though the word does ftirre n:rc fo much fcr the prefent, this is not life, exrep: thou retana it, and hold it fall, a man may have many flafhesof life in him, bur as long as the heart does not keep them, it rernaines dead, They that feeke the Lord, the heart fhall live, Pfal.aa.a6. That is, when it is not a flail), but it ie an Act that abides by a man, the heart isfledfaffly ft towards 'od, now his heart lives; now when people are moved one!,+ by fits, they are humbled by i