250 j a. CHRIST'S Alarm by fits, and !larded by fits, their rightcoufaeffe is like a morn - ingelew, ye know there the dew is every morning, but all the it is gone, may be when ntorning comes, there it is a'amne, but all the day it is gone. It is true there may be horrible offs and oas in rise Children of God, to the confounding of their faces before God. But J doe not fpeake to difcourage them. But let us take heed we may have admirable laihes of life, its of humblings, fits of enlargements, fits of frlfe- denyall, fits of great eagerneffe after God, the her.rt may be towards God for a fit, a Palle heart ; as the Children of Iliac! ; their heart was firmtly towards him fora fit, they ranee bred that God was their rock and that the high God was their redeemer, bet their heart war not right with Liu, they were net f edfsJt in hÁ, Covenant, Pial.78. 37. Marke, It was but a fit ; like Elam" crying for a fit." This is a poore argument of life then ; no, no ; the flitting alas of the heart; may he no acts of Life. Thirdly, there be wouldings and withiegs in the Heart ; and their cozen the world more then any other ; thefe they thinke verily are efiras of true Life Itirfl, becaufe there are nor is the out -fide of the heart, but lye, or at lull (mine to lye very deepc in the heart ; it is very certaine that many Naturall men would give the whole world if they had it, as they doe verily conceive, that they had' true Grace,that they wcrtSaints, that they could leave their finnes, that they were in a childe of Gods cafe, they deeply with it, it is a profound would in their hearts ; and therefore n©w when they fee filch yearnings in their hearts, they doe verily apprehend, this is Life certainly. Hence it is that they will fay they would from the .bottome of their hearts fcrve God, they have nere aufl but they would fall faine have God deliver them from that; indeed they eonfcffe in their conferences, ifthey might have a thouiand worlds,they cannot give it over, J but they would faine they could, and thus they deceive thensfelves ; becaufe this as feemes to be from the depth of their heart ; this fancy you' may fee to be in meats hearts out of Mioh.6.6.7. Whereye fee,though they could not