to .drowf %e SAINTS. I x51 not End in their hearts to walke 'numbly before God, to live juffly and righteoufly, yet they would givethoufands they could. O lay thry,what would not we give for the fin of our follies ? No queftion but they thought they were alive, but God told them they were not. Secondly, another reafen why they thinke this is a token of Life is, becaui this is no flatting a& neither; But they have theii wouldings every day ; nay, you can never come to them, but Rill they have thel , they would doe well ; nay, they would doe as well as the heft; thus they hope they have a founcaine of living water in them that fpringeth up daily ; thus it was with them in the Prophets, They fee me daily flee God, Ifa.1g,a, They thought it was thew every dayes work to férye God, and where they did falle, they thought they could fay, they would doe better, they fought the Lard daily. Thirdly, becaufé they finde that this is attributed to the Saints ; as tlse Apofile faycs, re nowt doe a ke things that ye mex/d, Gal.s,i7. Nay, the Apotkle Poo/ himlelfe, fpeakes it of laimfélfe, 7hegeed that I rranid, that der I set, and the will which I ivotld not dot, that doe 1, Rona,7.I p. So that thus they argue now, whom they fi ode this fame woulding in their hearts, and cannot doe as they would, Q lay they J may fay with the Apoflle, the good which J would doe that doe J not ; J cannot doe as J would. Thus they hood - winke their ovine Cowles. It is very true thee be the Saints greases, and a part of their (thing towards God, that they, cannot doe as they would, this makes them a bordeen to themfelve; ; And fo againe when they find thernfelves di- limbed and limited and flraightrned by their flefla, this is a comfort to their fouls, and an argument of Gods infinite good- , neffe unto them, that they can unfeignedly fay, they would doe better ; they doe pleafe him in Come meafure through his grace , and they would pleafé him better ; they doe fame good by his heavenly Ipirit, and they would doe more ; they doe refif'c every finno, and they would refifk it more. This is K k a very --.1.-- 2