2. CHRISTS alarm very true. But yet how many thoufands lull thetmlélves afleep in fecurity, by the fancy of this thing. The heart may put forth daily wouldings, and be as dead as a carcaffe to all the workes of grace ; as our Saviour Chrift (ayes, Strive to enter in at the /fraught Gate, for artany fhall fseke (venter in, and fhall not be able, Luke 3.24. q.d. O lime up your {elves, quicken up your hearts, doe not onely leek to enter in ; many leeke to ester in, O they would enter in, and they would faine enter in, alas, alas, they are dead, they cannot ; therefore quieken up your hearts, and dce ye more then ló; I acknowledge that woulding is an argument of life in the heart, in thciè cafes ; Fitit, when a man does beleeve God in force meafiare, and then would beleeve more, dces oppofe every knowne finae, and would oppofe it more; does follow all manner ofgoodnefle, and would follow it more, when a mans would is above the Pimple will, as when a man will reach as high as he can, and then amines himièlfe to reach higher, hee takes all the Stooles and Ladders that he can, and hands on tip-toes, and would reach higher ; this is an aft of the will with Gale life ; and therefore the Apofti: when he fay; that Cbriffiant would more then they doe, Gal. 5. r 7. In the verfe going be- fore, he tels them they mull walke in the fpirit though q. d. If, ye 4hould lay, ye walke in the fpirit and doe not, ye de- ceive your era elves ; lb that the woulding it ièlfe, is not a hving act. Secondly, a woulding is an aét of a living heart, when it is a laborous :vouldan ; Co that there is another thing in the will that is the living abl.and not woulding ; namely, when the heart labours, and therefore the woulding is not it ; I la- bour faycs the Apoftle, yea, l labanred more abundantly then they all, i Cor.t 5.1o. Mark though he laid in another place. that he would ; the good which I would doe yet that was not all, that had been a dead adt if that had been all ; there- fore he laboured together with it. Well then ; let us come to (hew you, what the life of the will is. la a word , the life