to drdwfe SAINTS.. life of the heart is, when the heart will doe a thing, may be it is kindred a thouland tises, but in fouae meafure it will de it, colt it never fo much, though fleas and blond, and world, and deviil, and all be againft it, yet it will doe it ; now the heart is alive it will beleeve, it will repent, it will Drive a- gainfl f nine, it will let God before its eyes, it will love him above all, feare him above all, regard him above all. 1 fay though it meet with never fo many hindrances without and within, pull- backes, rebellions, yet it will doe it, now it's alive ; (T hen the fpirit indeed is willing, M atth.+_6.4e . As Pan! (ayes, To will is prefent with me, Rom.7.1 8. When a man can fay it from the bottome of his heart, that a will is prefent with him. J will be ruled by God, J will deny my (elfe; though the fleii he never fb violent, and it may be many times, often beares dovrne all before it, yet there is a will prefent, that will (land it out, and that can never be borne dmrne :the aet may be borne dowse, now affe&tions may be borne dowse ; I bet this ftill is prefent, J will be for God, he is my heft, his will is my rule, his Law is my line, and J will be at his difpofe; when thit,is thur in general! thresegh all the strayer of God, this is a living heart ; when to will is prefent with it, as the author to the Hebrewes (ayes, His will war to live homely, Heb. e 3. 18. As Toone as ever the predigall Sonne was come to this pate, that he could un feignedly fpeake, 1 will arifr, I will goe to my Father, Luk. r 54 S. You fee his father prefently (ayes he was alive; this my Sonne was dead, but he is alive againe ; you will fay, what if one had bound him hand and foot, that is all une ; he will goe, he will wraftle, he will bite the cord a (under ; he cannot doe that, O how he will cry out. O how they binde me here ! I will arife; he will firive, he will not be quiet, he muff goe, and he will goe ; his will is abfolutely to gee, Dept or not Rapt, his will is Imply to goe, if he can but get away, and leave an arme behind, nay, a foot behind, nay both, bee will crawle, but he will to his Father; fo when a man will leave his finfull cous fes, and he will. have God for bis God, he K k ; will 253