Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

254 1. w ill have Chrif1s, and there he will hang ; come death, come fcares, cerne temptations, there hee will hang. This is that which God accepts, when the hearts will is to God, 1 f there bee f rit A willing mind ti Accepted, a Car. 8..12. Now that tais is the Life of the heart, J prove it thus. Fide, bccaufe this is the perfeetefl operation of the Heart, r. when it abfolutely willeth a thing. There be many operan- ens of the heart, but none of them is perk but this, as Da- vid laid to his Sonnes, ¿onne knew trims the God of thy Father, and Pry* him with a perfect heart, and with a wil- ling mind, i Chron. 28.9. q.d. This is a perfeet heart, when thy will is to fervc thin ; how ever things gee, thou wilt lrve hint ; then thy heart is absolutely tit towards God, this is the whole heart , I caeel with my whole heart, hear: me O Lord, will kfepe tby Statutes, Pfal. r 19. 145. W hat's the dead - ae{fe of men, but becaulc eyther they have no heart to Gods wayes, or but halfe hearts; as it is fr.d of Ephraim , their heart is divided, and God bath but a piece : but when a snits bath an abfolute will hereunto, now he is alive, now his heart is perfeeê towards the Lord his God ; as it is in flan, when a man does not onely gee on in Clime but he will doe it, his will is abfolute that way, this man bath a perfeet heart towards Satan, fo it is here. a. Secondly, becaufe this is the might and ftrength of the Heart ; while a mans heart puts forth inferiour a6ts towards God, bec is dead to every good word and worke. If he have any heart at all, it is but fo lb, as God fàid of jud4h. How wake sr shy heart ? Ezek.16. s o. Such a an the Devill can eafily take hint off at any time for a need ; fisch a one can ne- ver ¡had it out to the end. But bee is effand oa, because the might of his heart is not towards God ; now when the will is abfhlutely towards God, this man mult needs be alive ; for themight of his heart is towardsGed as the Lord himfelfe fiyes, Theo /bah love the Lord thy Cod with all thy heart, and with all thy fiuls, And with all thy might, Deut.6.5 3. Thirdly, bccaufe this makes every thing poffible ; naturally a CHRIST'S dlarm