Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

t® dratwfye -SAINT s. 255 a man cannot beleeve, bee cannot refill" his owne flefh, he can- not overcome the World hee cannot live godly in all his wages, he cannot forgot his beloved lulls. But now when tht heart comes once to be willing towards God, now every thing is poffible. J may fay of him, as Chrill faith of Faith, All things are poffible to him tbat bcleeves, Mark. 9. 23. So all things are poßïble to him that wilieth ; as wee ufe to fay, there is nothing hard to a willing mind. And therefore godly men in CaatrsT JEsys , the Apoftle calls th em, ci 4iNorisç Es s ç (.ryY,í&e. 2 Tim. 3.T 2. Fourthly, becaufe this takes in the manner of good duties toe, as well as the matter ; is is more a thoufand times, then the bare doing of them, a dead heart will ferve to doe them. But when the heart is made willing, this is more then the bare naked deed; as Awl Cayes to the Corinthians about Alines, yen have begun not onely to doe, but alto a 7s?Hy, 7"o be wi f- ling a years altos, a Cor. 8. r o. As lice fàyes of his Preaching, If J doe it willingly I have a reward ; but if againft,esy will, &c. t Cor. 9. 17. That is, g.d. J. may preach indeed, J may have fo much heart to it, as to doe the deed , alas that is no- thing becaufe if J doe it willingly this is it ; this is it Bic- ' thren , this is the right manner too. Fifthly, this is an argument that the Heart hath an inward principle ; what is the life of the heart, but an inward pin ciple of acting? Locke where the heart is alive , there it workes from within; there needs nocompril'.ion to a cove- tous heart, to have regard of his profit, no ; he regards it moll willingly ; he bath an inward principle to regard it ; and therefore he is alive to it ; Now when the heart puts fords its will towards God,now it bath an inward principle of agency ; it need nc o nflraiat, as Peter (ayes to Min Acts ; Feed the lockef Gad, nei by cengrasat but willingly. T Per.e.e. That is, doe it very lively, doe it with an inward principle, no, vr- cauft'te fee others, feed, notbecarsfe ye fee the ill f trace, what will people thiùe, if; Jflaotild not Preach conilantly ; not becaufe ye dare not doe otherwife, Confcience will flye in govt face 4. 5