2,561 CHII;IsTsIl4rm face, alas, ye may doe it, that's with a dead heart. But doe it Willingly where note this is thc. hearts life,this is an inward principle of the heart ; now the heart will doe it, though no body elk doe it, though hee be hated for his labour, though he have no thanke for his paints amongfi men. Thus yee ree this is the Life of the heart. Now for your better underflanding, wee Will open this more particularly this wilhngneffe of the heart ; you fee in the life of the heart , and it containeth liven things. Fit(}, the Inclinations of The hart. Secondly, the Intentions of the heart. Thirdly, the Eleaions of tit heart. Fourthly, the Averfions of the heart. Fifthly, the Appropriating of the heart. Sixthly, the Savourings of the heart. Seventhly, the Carings of the heart. Beloved,thefe are the living A4s of the heart, if thefe be converted to God in you, now your hearts are alive towards him. Theft make up the whole willingneffe of the heart. Firs{ then, the inclination of the heart ; it may doe a thou - ránd good things, with a dead heart. But marke if your hearts bee inclined towards God ; then yee ferve God with a live heart, if the Lord bath inclined your heart to him ; I have inclined nsy heart to performs thy Statutes Almayes, even to the end, Pfal. 119.11 a. Hath God made you doc thus, bath bee inclined your heart ro his Name ? Once yee were with- out heart, but now he bath inclined your heart to doe good, now yee find fweet inclinations to every good duty, yee doe not gee to them -as *Beare to a Stake, but now yee have'an inward difpofition to them , bee bath given you a feeling of your Clines and your wants, and that caries you to Prayer ; a feeling of your Ignorance and forgetfulneffe ; and that caries you to Sermons, that yee may lame more of God, that yee may fee more into your owne unworthineffe, that yet may be flirted up in all his wages ; yee doe net onely (bun your own iniquities in fóme Inca-fare, but your heart is inclined unto it, inclined I.