tv drobvfle SAINTS. x57 inclined to thinke of God, inclined to holy talke, inclined to- wards them that are Godly- minded ; yen had no difpof tion to the werkes of God heretofore, but now the Lord bath not onely put you upon them, but inclined your heart towards them ; yen feele inward impreflions, that bowies you others may bee have had good talke, but you trek as unfeigned de- ire to be edified, and that bowies you unto it. Others may be doe good things, but the Lord hath bent your heart to them ; whcn you event to good duties beretof ®re, yce went againit the haire, as a Stone does upwards , but now in ferne mea- lure, ti e ord bath put in a new nature,and yee feele an inter - nall mover. This is Life now. Secondly, the Intentions ofthe heart We have a laying in Divinity, Volrant4s fug natxra wilt rum the heart naturally veils the end. Now if God were our end., ifcornmunion with him. and iàeaifying ofGod in our hearts and lives, were our end,oc.r heart could not be dead towards his wayes ; nay, we Chould be very eager after them all; all our deadnefíe comes leer this. that God is onely a matter by the by, vetch us : But if be were our end, then we would be rnaiaely for him, and bow to approve our felves to him. Would we talke as we dee, if edification were our end ; would we keep fuçb com- pany as we doe, if mutual' belpe towards ecern.?Il life were our end ? Locke what the heart does intend from day to day, the heart is very earnefd after it ; therefore thole that intend to rife if they can in the world, they are very earnefl in the purfuit after the fame, flatter, fawne, pleafe, humor, they will doe any thing to the attaining of it; if it be to ride a too miles, it's nothing with them ; ifit colt them never fo much. O how greedy are they ! if a man intend to gather an efface it he can, or to live in pleafure if he can, all the world are eager in their intentions ; the heart runnes naturally on after it's cads. Now when the heart is alive towards God, thefè intentions are to- wards him, now the heart fkandeth thus, fo I may obey God, lo 7 may take heed of difhonouring Ged, fo j may keep my_ heart chafe to him, this is that I doe delire; now Igoe to L I- worke,