158 I p Fi R Is T's dlarm worke, fo Jmay keep the world from carying away my wart, J {hall be glad ; now J am going to Prayer, fo J may draw down a bleffing, and get force farther help to walke be- fore God, this is the thing J ayme at ; now J goo to be in fuch a company, fo J may discharge a good Conlcience, carry my felfe well, and not bring difhonour to God, and the like you, may fee this in Paul, what was the matter, he was fo eager to deny hinifelfe, J count all doe and dung ? the in- tentions of his heart, were after Chtifl; ; O layes he, that I ,sight know him, Phil.3.so. 3, Thirdly, the Eleaions and choofngs of the heart ; this is another part of the hearts life ; no man is dead to that which he choofes rather then any thing elle ; now if we did t}di choofe the wayes of God, we could not be dead to them; when- we are dead to them at any time, it is becaufe we could even finde in our heart, to make another choyce ; and there - fore if we would know whether our heart is alive unto good- nelle, whether doe we choofe the way ofgoodneffe every day before any other way ? As David layes, I have cbofon the way of troth, Pia1.119.3o. As the Lord fayes of the good Eunuchcs ; They choofe the things *bat pleafe me, Ifa.s6.4. Beloved, what ever we doe or thinke, or fpeake, Hill there be be two wayes propounded to us, one that is Gods way, ano- ther that is our owne way, now which doe we choofe every day ; what thoughts doe we choofe rather oldie two to thinke, what words doe we choofe, what anions, what courts, when we are together, what conference doe we choofe; when alone, w hat doe we choofe ; there he two kinds of eating, and drink- ing- ; which choofe we? 'When we arc provoked, there be two waves to take, either to be impatient, and fuller our paf i- ons to arife, or to quell them, and beat them down, which doe we choofe ; doe we fay as that good man faid ; Lord let thy hand help me, for Ihave chofen thy precepts, Pfal.119.173. 4° Fourthly, the Averfions of the heart, yee know the heart it choofes what it likes, fo there is forme thing that it limas ; now if thou wouldfl know whether thy heart be-alivetowards God