to -dreWfie SAINTS. God, doe but thinke with thy (elfe, what it ufes to lhun when thou art angry, is it difgrace or Lane ; k ever suns Tome thing or other; either what God diflikes, or what thou, every day and houre, fomeching it puts off; does it put off things that are offèeHve to thy flefh,or things that are elfin- five to God ; Here lies thy hearts life ; if thy heart be alive towards God, it is of this temper, to put off theft things that are difpleafing to God ; J hate vain thoughts (oyes David, Pfal.rr9.113. Marko his heart was of this temper, to put of all thole things that were contrary to God; it may be many oftholè thoughts, his own heart would have rather kept. J but when his heart was alive towards God, he put them off though ; I have refrained my feet from every evili way, that I may keep thy word, P Sal. r 19.1 or . Now when good things #ball be put to a man every day by the word, and by Con - fcience, and a man bath a refuting heart to them, this is a dead heart ; as (sod put to Indah to retunre, but they refuted to re- turne, Jer.y. ;. God put fhame before them for their 6nnes, but they refufed to be afhamed, Jet. 3.3. Now my brethren, examine your bofornes, how Hand the refufals of your hearts, doe you refufe good or evil{ every day ? Jfthou cant# refufe temporal{ evil! and not fpirituall, thou haft a dead heart. Fifthly, the Savourings of the heart ; this is another pace 3s of the hearts will ; fomething there is that every heart favours moff,and that it is which it is alive unto : now then if thy heart be alive unto God, it will favour the things of God mofi ; it will not onely doe good duties but faveur them too ; not onely heart the word of God, but it will have an admirable favour with the heart, as the Apofile (ayes, It will have the ( avour of lifeunto life, z Cor.a.r 6. As the Church (ayes to Chrift, becaute of the favour of thy pod ointments, therefore the Virgins love thee, Cant.t .3. O how it will favour a re- proofe, how it will reli .a ; but if holy things have tiyveet t favour in thy heart ; it may be thou eanfi not for Blame of the world not fee,ne to {land for them, thy conféience will not let thee, but thou wilc give them a good word, and fcene to L 1 s approve > s -----°