Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

360 CHRIST'S Ileerm 6, ë° approve them, but there's no mere favour in them then in the white of an Egg, nay, they are irkfome, and untoothfbme, they doe not gee merrily dewne with thee, hke f*ie t con- raves affure thy felfe, thy heart is a dead heart. Sixthly, the Cares of the heart, this is an ocher (bow of the hearts life; what the heart is alive to, it carkech and careth for it, and therefore if thy heart be alive towards God, how carefull will it be that it may not offend him ? rea what care, 2 Cor.7e1t. As the A pofile (ayes to Titus ; J will have thee affirm: eonflantly, that they which beleeve in God, aauß be carefull to mai.etaine good works, Tit.3.3. The. efore if a M ini- fter be alive towards God, he will be full of care for his peo- ple, hew he may pull them from their fins, how he may draw them to God, how he may nnoft doe them good ; as Paul Cayes of 7imathy ; he will waturally care foryear Efate, Phil. 2.10. True, a man bath many things to doe in the world, many cares how to live, how to pay rent at quarter day, what may become of his poore Children, &c. I but if the heart be alive towards God, it will labour to cart there cares upon God; Call ail loser tare wpm him, 111,6.5.7. But for hea- venly things, for the having and keeping of a good confcience, it will be full ideates about thefe things ; yea, how it may get to be more afrara of (inne, how may J get a weaned heart from the earth ? It will be caring how he may be provided for evill times, how he may Rand in the wofùil day. Seventhly, the appropriating of the heart ; the efleeming of theheart ; what's the hearts jewel!, that's the heart molt alive to ; now thinker what does thy heart prize moft of all ; if it be alive towards God, he is dearcfl to thee ; his will dearer then thine, his glory then thy credit, his word then thy lire ; as `Pap/ layes, 3 doe scat count my life deare, fo that ,j may fini fh my comic with Coy, A&. zo. 24. This was the Jewell of his hart, how he might doe the worke that God fét him to doe, that he might 5nifh his course ; fo likewise ifthy heart be alive, Love will be like aprecioue oymment,Pfäl. t 3 3. 2. Heavenly wifedonra more preeiotaa theta Rubies, Pror. ;. i 5.