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tooireal3je SAINTS. a6a A prornife will be precteue to the beetrt,n Pet.r .4. So alt. faith will be a presiaxt thing; r Pec.r .7. But ahove all Chrift will be precious to the heart, To you that beleeve he ù precious, r Pct./ .7. There are heart Jewels ; thelè it endeares moti ; it will rather part with any thing then there; nay, it will morgage any thing to redeenie there againe. Thelè things are little eflecmed among men, in their Con ciences ; indeed they lay they are better then the whole world, I but their heart does not greatly eReeme them, nay, it, nights them and feckes than accordingly ; this is a deaskheart. Thus ye fee what is the Life of the heart ; it is the abfolute will of the hart, when the heart is inclined towards God, when it intends God, when it makes choice of his wayes, and puts off whatfoever is contrary to them, when it prizes and endeares every one of them all, when it favours them, and is full ofcare for them. I might adde another, The cleaving of the heart, when the heart cleaves to the Lord, as it is laid of Hezekjah, that he chive to the Lord, z King. i 1.6. When the heart clelès in with God, and will not let him gate, no nor let his wayes goe, it nicks to a Godly courlè, all the world cannot pull bins away, not fire nor faggot though it be ne- ver fo mush hindred, and in:crrupted by the fleas, yet now it hash a ticking quality in it, as David layes, ,J have txekto t h y T e f f i a a . n i e s P cal. r 1 9 . ; T . Now becaufe. when the heart is made willing on this fa-- fhion towards God, there is left fí!11 an adverfe unwilling neffe, by realon of the flefh ; fo that the heart can never put forth there ads, without horrible clogges ; therefore now in ; live` heart towards God, there be other a&s, that are not in a heart that is alive to the world. And the realon is this. Becaufe when the heart is alive to the world the heart of its owxr nature is willing unto that, and there is no unwilling - nefle mixed together with it ; never was it heard, that the heart {hould be willinat and unwilling to the fame thing, till laving grace came to divide afunder the will in iwo; ye know the regenerate are two men apiece, and they have two wills, L1; one r.