aAyj CHRISTS tn one towards God, and another towards Caine and the world; nay, it's the fame will. that bath both thefc branches in ir, and this does much puzzle the hearts, when they finde loch a deal: of unwillingneffe in them towards God. Therefore 7 fay there be other aets of life in the heart tom wards God, and they are five. ` The firft, is the Preparing of the heart, whereby the heart prepareth it felfe towards God, a Chren. 30.18, 19. 1 Sans.7.3. s The fecond, is the Combating of the heart, Gal. 5.17. 23. virxon(m, ! beats down: my body, 1 Cor.9.z7. 3 The third, is the Endeavouring of the heart, it reaches forth it fclfe, Phi/.3.13. It (irres up it felfe ; it awakens it felfe ; why art thou fo fad, O my foule ? Pfal.4z.5. The fourth is the binding of it felle by Determinations, and purpofes ; fo Paul bound his owne heart, with a determination before he came unto Corinth, 1 Cor.a.t. Daniel knowing how unwilling his heart would be to abftaine from the Kings meat, though by grave he was willing ; therefore his heart, bound it kilt with a purpofe ; he purpotéd not to defile him - felle with the Kingsmeat, Dan.i.8. So 4l7 r 1.ze. 5 The fifth, is the Groaning and fighing of theheart, as Da- vid though. he were willing, yet feelingthe unwillingnes of the flefh therewithall fetch a groane ; O that my wayes were fodirel7, that ,3 might ksepethy Statistcs, Pfal.t1ç.5. So Paul groaned carneffly to be diilolved, z Cor.s.t. This is the putting of the heart more forward. Thefe I have named ; you may name more it may be. But thus if the heart be alive to- wards God, it will doe : becaufe it feeles a great deale of un -. willingneflé, it gets what advantage it can of it felfe, to make it felfe willing ; as the Church, ere ever was aware, My foule made Me like the Chariots of Aminadab. Cant... /;.r 2. Jr Pets it felfe right; as the foule when it's dead, it eegleiaeth this aet quite and c leane from day to day, as the PfalrziJl laves of dui lfriael, he call them a generation that fit nut their heart i ar igbt, Pt 11.78,8. The