Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to drowfie SAINTS. I 263 The next thing to bee inquired about is the Confcience ; w hat is thelife of the Con;ccience ; and here the world is de- ceived too; for the Confcience may be awakened very much, and yet never quickened indeed. Fitti, a Confcience awake- ned, may like all good things. Secondly, a conteience fome , what awakened, may oblige a man to all manner of good things. Thirdly, a confcience fomewhat awakened, may be troubled about his t nnes. Fourthly, a confcience fomewhat awakened, may urge one exceedingly to good things. Fifth- ly, a confcience fomewhat awakened, may be very eager in this urging. Sixthly, a confcience fomewhat awakened, may prevaile very farce with it's eagerneffe. Seventhly, a con- fcience fomewhat awakened, may make one looke at God, fo farre as it prevailes ; all this may be in confcience,and yet the confcience never quickened indeed, fo that you fee what need there is to enquire what the life of Confcience is. Firs J fay the confcience fomewhat awakened, may like T. of God, and all his vaayes ; it may like of Gods judgements; be they never fo terrible ; as vve lee there in Pharaoh, when God plagued iEgypt ; his confeience liked of Gods dealings, he thought in his confcience the Lord dealt very righteoufly with him. The Lord is righteous, f iycs he, and 1 and my peo- ple are wtckgd, Exod.9.27. So wlsen Rehobocm was horribly beret with Enemies, his confcience juflified God, O he dales very rightly with me. rho Lord isrrghteoxe aC Iron .rz.6. So Adonebez.ek, when the Lord brought that lamentable judgement en his head, his confcience lik't of Gods doings as J have done, fo God bath done to me ; fo againe the con- fcience awakened may like of Gods commandements; as Mofes tels Ifrael,that God gave them no other Commande- ments bat fads as were right, and wife and good in the light of the Heathen, Dent 4.6,7,8. That is, they were fuchCom- mandements that the Heathens thought in their confcience were good. Againe the confcience fomewhat awakened , may like of Gods people that walke according to thofe Lawes and Commandements ; you may fee this in Salaam, O that