Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

244 ! CHRIST'S 'larrn , ,.-------- that J sight dye the death of the righteous! Numb.a;.ìco. His eonkrence lik't of their counts ; to Sault confcience did approve David: courks. Thou art more righteous then I, z Sam.24.17. A confcience fomcwhat awakened, may like of the left preaching ; and the ftridteft Preachers; never man fpake like this man ; O hew mightily they lik't him I Herod lik't John admirably, he was glad for to heare him ; profane Ifrael did wonderfhlly like the Sacrament of Gods pretence ; when the Atke of God came into the Camp, they fhouted wilt otIreat 'how, that the earth rang agame, r Sam.4.1. Now when a carnali man perceives this evorke to be in him, he is apt to conceive, this is true grace of life. Beloved, you fee this is very falls, Thou mayft like of Gods dealings with thee, yea, thou mayft thinke in thy confcience, hedcales very rightly with thee, though it be never fo bitter, thou mayft duke in thy confcience, his Commandements are good, though they be never to fiti !,thy confcience may like his MiniRers,and like bis Precepts, and like his Ordinances, and his Sacraments, and yet be a dead C cnicierce. Secondly, a Coafcience fomewhat awakened, may oblige a Ivan to all manner of good things ; it may lay the com- .mandements of God to his charge, Confèicnce may make him fay not only that the Commandements arc good, but that it is his duty to doe them ; wee fee this by experience in ma- ny carnal! people ; tell them of any Commandement , what is their anfvier? Oh you fay well, Jconfefhe it is my duty ; every Drunkard will fay thus, J it is my duty never to be drunken ; the Swearer will fay thus, you fay right, it is very true, Jconfefte J Ihould not take Gods name in vaine; and therefore they are faid to be :under the Law, Rem. 5.19. That is, they are bound in Coni ience to the Law ; their C on- fcience tels them they ought to doe it, their confcience layes it on them as a bond ; as the mad Prophet fail; Muyi I not take heed to fpeake what God bids sze fpeake ? N urn. a z .r z. Con- fcience layed a neuff upon his toile. And this is the reafon, why a naughty heart will put off a commandement of God, if