-s66 t C ki lt ì s T's Warns Ile was moved and troubled is Coafcience about ir, he was very loath to doe it, he fought a good while how to put off the temptation by getting away how to avoyd this great fiune, D.,s.6.14. So was Pilat troubled in Conktence about the condemning of Chrifc, he went to it with a heavie heart ; and as a C.ttfcieace fomewhat awakened, may be troubled before the committing of fame, fo he essay be troubled iaa the committing of it. An example of this we have in Sahel, when beconarsitted that fie, isfácrificlag before Smoot! came, he was troubled in Coafcience in the very a&R. I forced my felfe axd offered R burxt offering, t Sans.' 3.12. Marke, he did not commit the Gone hand- fmooth, as Ionic dee, but he felt a reltakancy, againf4 it. Agaiee, a confcicnce fomewhat a- wakened, may be troubled exceedingly after committing of Gnne ; when Ixdas had betrayed our Saviour, you ice how his confcience was troubled after he had done. O flyer bee, I hsvt puled , ix ietrayix ierxtemt bleed , Match. 27.4. Efpccially at t.hc hearing of a fearching Sermon, or at a Fat allo, then the con fcience if it beonelyawakeneda little, will be troubled exceedingly for his tinges ; when Samuel kept a Fafe there at Mizpob, the Textiluwes how they were fruit- ten is eonfcience for their Ganes, in (o much that they cryed out in the open congregation,Wrhave jxned ago:Ofb the Lord, I Sam, 7.6. And yet many of thefe very men, by and by (hewed the- rottennef a of their hearts : fò that this is another gull, when men fede a lothneile in then to commit liane, trouble ofConfcience before, and at,and after, they thinke this is true grace doubtleffe ; doubtlefic their confcience bath life. 4o Fourthly, Coafcience fomewhat awakened, may urgeone to good things, and aso quefeicn but many of you that are yet in your flanes have found this to be true, how often have your sonfciences urged you to give over your Ganes ? To looke after the getting of Chrif to lead a godly life ? How many heaves have your eodcitnces given at you ? To hoyfe you up out of the gate ye wallow in, to make you more ear - nett