Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to dYODVlie SAI14 Tg, nefl for kearen ; more (ilia in your walking, to provide'for your latter cad ? When yce are at 'Prayer, how often dies it urge you to dwell longer at it ? As it is laid ofTocg, be was efcttittcd bcferc the Lord, r Sam.zr.7. He was held there, he would have gone away afore, but he was held, sow, what should that be but his Cot,icience ? His confeience urged him to flay long ; fe your confciences urge you to be more atten- tive in hearing, more mindful! of preaching, more humble in your mindes, Idle wordly, more heavenly ; you may thinks this is a lively confcience; no, no ; it is not, the truth is, the amore your confciences doe urge you a dayes, the greater is your fin, if yen yield not. But this is fo farce from Iife, that it argues you to be the more kite! if ye doc not obey ; an ur iag cenlcience is a great bletiing, J, if men hare eyes to fir what the Lord does for them, to deliver their foules from the pit. This is the taking of melt by the fltoulders ; now if thou pull away thy [boulder. 7 bey refxfsd to heitrkpi, ,tnd pxll'd away their /boulder, Zach.y. ti . That is, the Lord let tonfci- ence upon them, and urged them to obey, as ifs man Mould take another by the !boulder, fo dragge him and hale him, and yet they would not. So when Anal fpake to Agrippa, he felt an urging in his coafcience, O let me be a Chriftian, and he conIefl as much too , Pool, almef4 thou perfwaeldt me to be a Chriflian ; it was alm'R done ; he had a great heave ; lice was urged. But it would not doe, fo that this is no argument of life neither. Fifthly, Contcience fomewhat awakened may be very ea- 5 ger in urging, it maybe very importunate, every day digging in his fides, every day whifoering in his boforne ; O thinke ofGod, O confider thy foule, O remember death ; Confcience may be earned and vvoaderfull eager with a man; O doe not live as thou doefl, O be not fo carelelye of God ; what wilt thou dye and be damned ? Wilt thou to hell ? Wilt thou ne- ver have done? Away with thy finneiull courlis away with thy dreaniings; O behirre thy fete; or thou wilt pe- nal ; fuel, A conicience had Pilate about Chrifi, it was eager M m z with