Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

with him not to condemne him. This Confcience is an ad- mirable bleffing ; and woe be to thofe that Rand out againft it; it is like Iamb with the Angell, He would net let the Ax- gellgee tdl he blsfl him, Gen. ?2.26. Like the man that was importunate with his friend, axd ksarkt, and knee:, and would havens nay, Luk.a r.8. I am in bed ; never tell me of your being it bod ; J pray let me have three loaves ; my children are in bed, J pray trouble me not; that is- all one, Rill he kaocks,he will have him up; fo -when Confcience is thus a- wakened and is importunate, and will not be anfwered, &c. Many a wretch bath fuck an impudent confcience as this. But this is fo farre frons,an argument oflife; as that- it is a 1 gne of a greater death, Sixthly, Confcience fomewhat.awakened may prevnile very farre by its eagerneffe, it made the King off/el./doe many things ; It made the Heathens des the things esxtainsd in the Law, Korn. 2.14, r y. When the Pharifcea came to tempt Chrifl, with the woman taken in adultery, Cowfcienes made them :cafe andger Out errs íy axe, Joh.8.9. It made Paul live f o unblameably as he did ; Tee know coarsening the rightesuf- Aefe that is ixrthe Law,he was blantSleffe,Phil. 3.6, Now if yee Tooke into the a ;. of the Ai s and the firt'r, you ;hall fee it was his Confcience, that made him doe 16 ; men and Bre- thren, J have lived in all good con lèicnce before God to this day as finte his convetfion, his fanetificd confcience made him live godlily in Chriftt, fo before his converfion his naturels con fcience holism by good education made him live unblame- ably ; fo that, what with one,& what with the other, he could fah he had lived in a.good confcience to that day; that is either morally good, or fpiritual lq goed. And therefore it was Con- - fcience, that trade him doe all that he did; people thinke, J indeed, if they did gocd duties for outward 'by- refpr&s, then they fhould thinke they were unfound, but confcience lets . them a worke, and therefore they ga.ber, they are found and alive towards ,God ; no beloved Confcience may make a carnall.man goe.agaiuf4..ii outward by-re finds, :nd d: every good'