Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

2701 C H RI STShcarfl at Gods glory in the thing. O fay they,/et see give glom to the yard C.4 of ifretei, t Sane.6.5. Thus you fie how the world are deceived abeut the life of theConfcience ; when people bave there operations of confcience within them, they thinks their eonfcicnce is alive and good towards God. New that theft cannot be the life of Confcience, J prove it, i, ( Vitft, becaufe all may be in naturali men, as jy'es have heard in Ldan, in pharaoh, in Mama t, in filicah, in Saul, in Darius, in ,netts, which were dead intrefpaffes and fins; what life can be in a dead man ? It is very true, the Confci- ence is leaf+ dead of all the powers of the fouls; the Pelagi- an: fay, the Will is a pure virgin; that's as falfe, as the Devil' is falte; if any faculty be a pure Virgin, it's the confcienee; all the religion that is left in a natural] man, God hath plan- ted there : There', the *Pa of the Law there, Rom. 2.15. The whole nature of man is like a Countrey taken by the Enemy, except one little Fort ; may be that's hatted too ; but it is not quite taken ; fo is tht Con fcience, after the whole man is quite vanhuifh't by finne, except oneiy that and that's battet'd too in a wofell manner. Butit is not quite taken, the Lord will ever keepe a part in that, to have the man at controll when he pleafes, and as faire as he pleales. But yet it is fo farre taken too,that there is no f'pftituall life left at all in it; man is dead inxrefpaf s and Gñaes, and fo is the confcienee too. Secondly, the Cenfcicnce notwithflanding all t` efe may be deaden then ever it was. j confeffe theft ate flafhes of life, that God fparkles into mens confeiencen but they nie to gee out againe, and leave the confcience as dead, and deader then ever before they came ; we fee it to Paraoh, that &Aliened kit bears morfe efterwardr, Exod.9.34. So dui aleaatee, though his confcienee were fó quick fora fp trt, yet within a tvkile, he could gee and lay a 11-xmb'rng block before the ail, dreoof lfrael to make thew flew Rev. a. 14. And we fee it to this very day many'finitten in Confcience for a ti.r;e, after- wards