Iv di('vtV.ge SAINTS> I 2 w ards their fmitings ceale, and they grow more ftifte then ever they were ; like water that kath beene heated, it freezes a fterwards the more. Thirdly, the Confcience notwirhflanding all there is foon pleated; though it fcenreto be eager, and carnal, and zea- lous for God,yet any little thing will content it ; if it were alive nothing would content it, but meerely indeed the favour of God, the image of God, fincere conforming to Gad. But this confcience is Toone pleated againe ; it is but angry a while, if but half': the Lords due be brought ia, this Confcience is fatisfied. Life for unjnl Steward, that fet down So. for a too, Luk.t6.6. When the man goes on praying, and doing good duties, may be, the confcience is whiff, though it be but a forme; when he bath reformed a little, confcience thinkea it bath enough ; we may fee this in Salaam ; when he had found that worke ofConfcience, that he could deny Balac'r hou`e full of Silver and Gold, to Rand for God, prefently he concluded that God was his God ; if Balac would /ivr me hie houfe fall of Silver and (+old, y cannot gee beyond the word of the Lord nab God, Nurn.a a. 18. Like the wretchedJewes, they brought God the Blind and the lame, and the torn*, and the frcke,and then sir thought mach that the/ fheuld be called di f pifert of God,Mal.t.6,7,sl.Sael was commanded to deftroy ail the Amalekites,now though he (pared fòme,his conk mace was content. I have stone the will of the Lord flyer he ; filch a confcience as this is Tonne pleated, like little Children, it cry es, it takes on, it fets up its Pipes, but a little thing Rills it ; may be a Rattle, or an Apple, or a Brafle Counter ; fo my brethren though a mans confcience he thus as ye have heard, vet it is a very childe, it will be toone frilled ; let horn but beftirre him - fèlfe a little towards God, and got on in a pretty handiocie way, this eonfeieace will quickly fay it's weil. Fourthly, the Confcience that bath but thee flirrings, is fo farre from being alive, that many times it will be a help unto ones tufts ; which if it were alive it could not be. But thus it is though, when theft works Are real', it will ferve to help a mans 3 4°