2s72 1 CHRIST'S //Lam mans lulls ; when a mans lulls would faine have fomeching or other done, then lleps in thy Confcicncc, and will help the lame dogge over the Ellie ; as we fay Herod had a lull to make away John the Bapcifl. O bat he's Ageed man (ayes hie Cenfciers /s, and the" maß 'tot cat of hie head,Mark.6.ao. O but he was urged now to doe it, by Herodix her daugh- ter ; and he had iworne to grant her hearts requefl ; now lee how his Conscience helps him to doe it. Thou haft fworne an Oath, and thou mull make confience of that ; therefore cut off his head. So it was with the Jewcs, when they hays a lull to crucifie Chrift, their conlhtence found out a trick for it ; We have a Law fay they, and by or Law he JbuHld dye, becarefe he made himfelf the Some of God, John r 9.7. Mark, they made it a matter of Conscience ; what they murder Chrill ? They put him to death unjufàly ? No, God forbid; we have a Law, and are bound in confcience to keepe it ; ib when a man bath a lull, as to weare long haire ; by and byhe makes it a matter of confcience to weare it ; forfooth his head will ake; and he is bound in Conlcience to have a care of that ; fo if a man have aluil of Covetoufneife,and not to give where is need ; forfooth his confcience andes a place in the Apolale to help it. He is worfe then an Infidell, that provides not for his owne ; and fo he will makeconfeience of that ; fo when a man bath wronged him, he hath a lufi of revenge, anon he findes. outa trick, O homy send to the difllonour of the Gofpell, if he put it .up : the matter is not fo, but he is willing so thinke fo ; and he will make confcience of that ; is he re- vengeful! now? No Cod forbid. It was adifgrace toRe- .ligien, and he did it out of confcience of that, Thus men will have what lull they pleafe,they can finde tome Text or o- ther, which they wrefl to make Conscience of that, O how common is this. 5 Fifthly, this Conkience is not univerfall, it culs out onely Tome particular hones to be violent againfl, and lets alone o- thers may be as bad ; like Almbe for the Vineyard ; and let his Baakfine alone; or if.the Confcience be againfl all manner of