Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to dr^atvie SAINTS. 173 of fins, it is but in a furie,Cito redibit ingratiam..They are but like new Wine, in old Bottles ; at fall the Bottles breake and the Wine is all 1pilt ; fo all thelé works in an awakened con- fcience, are only then while the confcience cannot fleepe. But when it can fall afleepe againe, then the man can be quiet a- gaine ; the confcience is an old confcience and not renewed, and therefore is is not able to hold them ; well then, yee fee theft are not Conlciences life. You will fay then,what is confciences life? When is the con - feience laid truly to be quickened ? For the opening of this, ye muff know there be two lives of Cosifcience in a godly cyan. The fidl is a relative life ; whereby it's alive,when the man is alive. The fecond is a Pimple life. The firfl,I fay,is a relative life, whereby it is faid to be alive, when the man whole it is, is alive ; for confcience is the refle&lion of the foule, the follies privity to it Ièlfe, between God and it felfe. And therefore if the laute be alive cowards God, then the confcience is alive too ; as the Apo[Ile (ayes ; How much more (hall the bleed of jejut C'hrif,who through the eternal!fpirit offered hint - felfe without fpot to God, purge yourConfcience from dead workes referee the living God,Heb.9.1 4. Marke when a mans dead workes are purged away, the confcience.is alive, when a mans Idle is alive,and his works are alive, the confcience is a-. live alto ; as we fay of the goodnefle ofConicience, (o it is the life ofConfcicnce; though the Conrciencebe never fo good in it felfe, yet as long as the man is net good, his Con(cience can never be good ; Coafcience is laid to be good,as a Meffenger is faid to be good ; namely, when bee bringeth good tidings ; as Dovid fa id ofAkimaaz,ho to agood man, and be 6rinnetbgood tidings,t Sam.s8.a7. Though a Meffenger be nere lo good a man, yet if he doe not bring good tidings, wee fay-lie's an ill Meffenger. He fent will Angels among them,Pf11.78.49.Cal- vin thinks it may be meant ofgood Angels.yet faid to be evil! Angels, becaufe they brought evil! epos Egypt ; fit that's a good Confcience that bringeth good tidings to a man; that he floes beleeve,that lie is in Chrifl, that he is a good man. True, a N n wicked mans Coo- This h cal lei other - wiiere che Teflitno- niall life of Conici. ente.