Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

274 C H U. I S T'S .41arm Confcience may report well of him, as A6folon did of the pee- plc, O your matters are good layes he, when they were hark naught; fo thy confcience may flatter thee, and lay thy mat - ters are good ; but when Con kience can fay truly, thy mat- ters are good. The confcience is like a Regifler or a Bill ; now when it is a Bill of good Prom ; when all thy finnes are blotted out, and Good things are written in ; now it's a good Confcience ; ye know we call it a low le Bill, that bath towle crimes written in it ; though the Bill be never fo fare written, yet if it have fowle crimes written in it, it's a fowle Bill. Item, this man foule a Horiè. Item, he broke into filch a mans house. Item, he murdered filch a man ; when filch a Bill as this comes is1 at the Afizes agaiaf+ a poore Prifoner, this is a black Bill ; this is a fowle Bill ; fo as long as thy Confcience is a fowle Bill, Item,I was borne in finne. Item, J have lived very loofely. Item, J have heard fo many Ser - nions, and yet I have beene nere the better. Item,) have beene at fo many Sacraments, and yet J have gone on in my vile courfès, thy Confcience is a fowle Bill ; this is a fowle Con - fcience ; as the ApoRlle (ayes, a defiled C.nfcience, Tit,t .1s. Now when theConfcience is cleane, then it's a good Con- fcience ; to J may fay of alively Confcience; the Confcience is alive, when the man is alive ; when his mind is quickened up towards God, and his heart which before was dead irr tref- pages and Ganes, now it's alive towards God ; this mans Cotmfeience is alive. The reafon is becaufe now his Confèience may fay, J am alive ; for Confcience is the reflcëlion of the. foule on it felfe, and therefore if thou beef+ alive thy felfe, thy Confcience is alive too. This is the firfl life ; the relative life of Confcience : or its Tef}hmoniall life. Now that this is one life of Confcience, is plaisse, becaufe if a mans Idle be dead, Confcience will fay, Jam dead ; as. Paul fayes, (peaking of him and the Pphsfans before their converfion. O (ayes he, yee were dead Jinxes, Eph. a. s. Looke what a man is. lithe Confcience be inlightened, it takes it on it (elfe, when David had finned. J have gained (ayes his