Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to drebvfe.SAINTS. his Confcience; fo let a man be holy the Confcience prefent ly takes it upon it (elfe as we fee there in Ddrvld, when he was holy ;. 3 am holy jays his confeience, Lerdpreferve mt fettle, for 3 am holy, Pia1.86.2. So that if thou beef+ dead, thy Conlëtence is dead ; if thou beef+ alive, thy Confcience is alive. But I let this paffe. I come now to the fecond life of Confcience, and that is, it's fimplc life, Confcience bath another life of its owne; for as when the man is alive, the Conlcierice is alive, fo the Con- fcience is quickened up to doe its duty, when it quickens up the whale man to doe his, as the Conletence of the good peo- ple that offered to the Tabernacle was a quick Confcience ; their Confcience was quick to doe its duty, becaufe it quicke- ned them up to doe theirs ; their heart made them willing, Exod.3 5.29. That is, their Conliieace made them willing. Though the Confcience be never fo eager, that is not it it never does its duty with life, till it make thee to doe thy duty with life. The Confcience of the godly may be is not fo eager, neither does it keep fúch a doe, as many a wicked mans Con- fcience. The more eager Confcience is faine to be, it's a igne the man is the more dead ; when the man is alive, his Con- fcience {litres him with more café; like a man that is wit- ling to pay his debts, the creditor need no more then aske ; whereas if the debtor be a very flye fellow, there needs the more bawling ; 1ó that if thou wouldeft know whether thy Confcience be quick, the quef+ion is not whether it be eager or no, but whether does it quicken thee up to thy duty or no ? This then is the life of Confcience, when it makes a man doe his duty fincerely both towards God and man; when it makes a man beleevc withal! his heart, when it makes him love God withall his foule, and mindeto ferve him in truth, to doe his whole will, to humble himfelfe foundly before God for all his fumes, to make his peace with God, daily to pleafe him and co walke before him in newnéffe offife. This is a living coon!ctence, This Confcience bath the grace of life in it; whether it doe it by eagerneflc or not; whether with a N n 2 horrible 275 i